Saturday, August 1, 2020

Is Homework Redundant?

Is Homework Redundant? Don’t be afraid to ask questions and clarify what you need to do. Whether it be a question on how to solve a tricky trigonometry problem or how to structure your essay, no question is a silly question. At the end of a long day, you may be mentally and physically tired. If you go straight into homework it may take you a long time to finish and it won’t be your best work. Speaking of workspace, you probably prefer doing your homework in front of the TV, but that can actually be the biggest distraction of all. The stress and anxiety caused by homework is unacceptable and the students of today are not the only ones feeling it. Searching a way to obtain professional assistance with home assignments, you can place an order on our website and receive plagiarism-free help via email. Children do not want to do it; parents do not know how to motivate, joint activities, and lead to a dead end. Take a practice test or write a practice essay and focus on the areas you find the hardest. The more you practise, the less stressful it will be when the time comes to sit the exam or hand in your assignment. One of the biggest causes of homework stress is not understanding the question, or how to solve the problem at hand. Sitting in front of the TV is probably slowing you down, making homework time seem much longer that it actually is. Since you’ve now identified all your assignments, figure out everything you need to get each item done and bring it to your workspace so it’s there when you need it. There are over 600 categories that you can join to offer support services. There are actual websites dedicated to providing these type of services for people. These websites allow people to ask questions regarding any topic and and experts can answer those questions in exchange for cash. If you give yourself a reward when finishing your homework, it makes it a lot easier to start your homework the next time and you’ll get through it faster. Rewards could be being able to watch a show, eat ice cream, play a game, or going out and doing something fun. Although the case for abolishing homework is very strong, there are those who believe that homework is a good thing and should be kept in schools. As was proved in one of the earlier paragraphs, studies show that there is no actual connection between having homework and getting better grades in school. Furthermore, people who think that more homework can teach kids hard work and discipline are wrong. This is untrue because the only kids who actually will work hard are those who are motivated or see a point to the homework. Lastly, some people say that kids who do homework will be kept off the streets and out of trouble. Many parents themselves are not aware of simple examples from the school curriculum and try to carry out an academic assignment from the point of view of an adult. So, it is better to refuse fromhome assignments and do something more useful, right? Even Orson Scott Card, popular author of many bestsellers, argues that, “Don’t get it that the kids who are on the streets and in gangs and getting in trouble aren’t doing homework? ” It is clear that homework does not help keep kids out of trouble as the ones who get into trouble are not doing homework anyways. Lee Bartel, a professor at the University of Toronto, did a study on the effects of homework on children and if it causes stress and anxiety. Professor Bartel goes onto say how if homework is unnecessary, then it’s only purpose is to cause kids unwanted stress and anxiety that he found can lead to students having emotion breakdowns. Bartel shows how since homework is already in itself unnecessary, that it is actually doing harm to the kids by putting them under stress that they do not need. Try asking your teachers, your parents, a friend or an online Subject Specialist for help. You can take the calls directly from your smart phone. Once you have setup your profile and decided call hours, you can start working as an expert. It is not only a trick to which people resort; this is something students should do. By cheating homework, students learn how to behave in the unexpected situations, under conditions of stress and frustration. They will need this skill in the future adult life.

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